February 17, 2025

What We Believe

What We Believe

The following is a summary of our doctrinal beliefs:

  1. The inerrant, verbal inspiration of the Bible.
  2. God eternally existing in three persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
  3. Concerning Jesus Christ: His eternal deity; His virgin birth; His sinless humanity; His substitutionary death; His bodily resurrection; His imminent, premillennial return.

Where Did Man Come From?

Man and the universe are the sovereign creation of the Holy God.

Why Am I Here?

To glorify God in all that I say and do.

Where Am I Going?

Eternal life is offered to all who personally believe that Christ’s death on the cross for sin is totally sufficient to give us access to Heaven.

Eternal separation from God in Hell awaits all who reject His free gift of salvation through faith in Jesus Christ.

For a more detailed explanation of our doctrinal statement please click on the following link: Statement of Faith